So I do not blog often at all!..
I'm not a writer.. I love sharing things in person but I am not able to write it all down like most awesome people I know.. so in the best way I can I
really wanted to share how incredibly important I think it is to have some good quality portraits taken of you during your pregnancy along with the precious photos of your newborn.

don't know how many countless times I look back at my previous clients maternity and newborn photos and ache to have some of my own.. I did not know back when I was pregnant and had my two children that such a thing even existed.. but I wish I had known .. I so long to have some photos of my pregnancies that I could look back on or display and I
really really wish I had AT LEAST two large amazing portraits of my babies hanging on my wall FOREVER.. I
don't believe the newborn portraits are replaceable.. In my opinion its something you do not replace each yr as they get older and truly is a Priceless Piece.. That is the one thing I continually look back on and regret not having!.. Sure I have a few cute snap shots of them but I just cant seem to get over how amazing it would have been to proudly display these once in a lifetime great quality portraits of them! I would have spent every penny I had on being able to have these portraits of my children as newborns and I have to admit I probably would have done it behind my own husbands back since he
doesn't seem to think spending money on portraits is even necessary.. but this comes from a guy who probably believes snowmobiling and continually buying parts to fix it over and over again are of utmost importance and would likely deem the snowmobile parts priority over portraits..sure no doubt if I was getting what I wanted it would probably be a real good chunk of money out of our pockets and would have struggled to pay for them at that time.. but those portraits are forever precious moments and couldnt be more worth the struggle to have them..

I can even imagine myself in the future ( if I had my own done) with my large wall portraits of my babies still on my walls as they start to have thier own babies and they bring them to me for a visit and there I am holding my grandbabies up to my own childrens portraits saying look at how much he or she looked likes u did!!.. yeah im corny like that..

Or even curling up on the couch by the fire with my husband looking at the newborn photos of our children right along side thier senior portraits.. saying look how they have grown and moaning over how time went by so fast!.. yes I think about those things!..

I feel I have really missed out..and I don't want anyone else to feel this way.. so I'm really trying to stress the importance to you just as important as your wedding photos are so should these moments in your life.. so please think about matter were it might be you choose to have these portraits taken..I know it is one thing you will not regret!
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